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NABI Joins Trade Associations in Supporting TTB Budget for FY 2020

The Honorable Mike Quigley, Chair

The Honorable Tom Graves, Ranking Chair - Financial Services & General Government

Financial Services & General Government H-405

The Capitol 1016 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515


The Honorable John Kennedy, Chair

The Honorable Chris Coons, Ranking Chair - Financial Services & General Government

Financial Services & General Government

133 Dirksen Senate Office Building

125 Hart Senate Office Building,  Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Committee Chairs: 

On behalf of America's leading producers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of beer, wine and distilled spirits products, we respectfully request that you maintain the current budget for the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and allocate $119.6 million for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020. 

In addition to collecting excise taxes, which results in $388 captured for every dollar spent, TTB plays a critical role in ensuring consumer safety and a fair and competitive marketplace by enforcing the provisions of the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (FAA). This includes licensing and background checks for more than 90,000 permitholders, annual reviews of almost 194,700 container labels and approval of nearly 17,000 product formulas in addition to ongoing industry education and oversight to prevent illegal trade practices.

Our industry has experienced significant growth in recent years—growing the economy and creating valuable jobs, but also naturally increasing the demands on TTB. Despite these increased demands and expenses, the Bureau’s budget has remained relatively flat. Any decrease in its budget could jeopardize the agency’s ability to deliver critical services and cause disruptions in the marketplace.

Our continued success and growth are dependent on a well-funded regulator, and we urge you to sustain and approve the bureau’s current budget.

Thank you for your consideration of this issue and its impact on our industry. Please contact us if you have questions.



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